Today began with a trip back to the Civil affairs office. We were interviewed by the registrar and the notary. We gave them each a gift. The questions were
Why do you want to adopt from China?
Do you love this child and will you take care of her?
Will you give her good health care and education?
Will you never abandon her or abuse her?I think you can guess the answers. Keira needs a LOT OF LOVE. She is very clingy but also very happy and playful. She will not go in the carriage because she wants me to hold her. She has the sweetest little attitude. Like she's saying
"please love me". We went to the shopping area to buy her formula and we used the baby carrier. She wants to face me when I carry her. She clings to my shirt like Velcro. It seems like she is bonding equally to both of us which is GREAT . There seems to be no adjustment trauma so far.
It is easy to get her to laugh. Her laugh will make you melt (see YouTube video). She laughs at the froggie. She laughs when I tickle her tummy. She has a cute smile and she nibbled my nose. She has a lot of teeth. She gobbles the formula really well. She has not gone poo poo yet but they are saying that this is normal for the adjustment. In fact none of the babies in our group have pooped yet either.
We are going to need a crib unfortunately since she won't be able to use the toddler bed. She is too rolly polly and young to use that toddler bed. I was thinking about ordering one to deliver online.
Sorry for the blurry pictures. Yesterday was a blur.My hands were literally shaking when I took those pictures. The video is from Janet's still camera so it low res but at least you can see her incredible smile.
We will also need diapers. Forget that thing about Chinese kids being trained at 6 months. I think that's changing too along with everything else in this amazing country.
Keira was restless tonight and would not let go of me. I must have walked her around the hotel room 50 times. We think she is reacting to having people that will hold her all time. Something she probably didn't get in the orphanage. She puts a tight Kung Fu grip on me and won't let go.
We finally got her to sleep but she is a little congested. We go to get her medical review on Thursday so we will tell the doctor.
I better go. The typing on the keyboard might wake her up. Goodnight.